Friday, February 27, 2009

my prayer

she is graceful
she is beautiful
if you are willing
give me a favor
touch her heart
to be receptive to all.

teach me
how to say a word about love
love that comes from you, O God
and not comes from my own tongue
a love that is pure and wholeheartedly
make me part of her life.

all this things are meaningless
if i will trust myself
so have your way God, have your way now
make her like me, make her love me.

maybe this is not the time that
i will show to her my feelings
and hear my heart beats.

Lord, this my prayer
hear it, have ears on it
protect her all the days of her life
i commit to you all of this
now you have gave me the signs and
i will wait for that perfect time.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

God created us in His own image

God created everything for 6 days, but what makes us different from the other He created? He made everything out of His Word in the first five days but God created is us on th sixth day thoroughly, He did not just created us out from His Word but he molded us from the dust and breath through His nosetrils. See, how is it amazing to know that we are God's masterpiece and it is so great to know that He made us in His own image and likeness but God created us for a purpose and that is to be the steward of all the things He created and above all to wordhip Him alone.